
FarmaVita Mineral Shadows Permanent Hair Colour Dye 60ml


Mineral Shadows 60ml

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12 brand new shades inspired by stones and metals.

Farmavita introduces the Mineral Shadows collection, 12 brand new shades inspired by stones and metals.
Mix the Mineral Shadows shades 1:1 with Tone On Tone Cream Developer. Application Time: 30-35 minutes.
The Mineral Shadows shades should be used to color tone-on-tone, lighten up to 1 level. In order to darken lighter hair, mix the product with Cream Developer 10 Vol. (3%).

It is recommended to bleach the hair first (level 10-12), then apply Amethyste Silver Shampoo, leave on at least 3 minutes, until unwanted yellow tones are removed. Apply the Mineral Shadows shades as toners.

Weight 0.080 kg
Please Choose Shade

Pink, 6.12 Dark Ash Iridescent Blonde, 7.72 Medium Brown Iridescent Blonde, 8.12 Light Ash Iridescent Blonde, 9.72 Very Light Brown Iridescent Blonde, 10.102 Platinum Ash Pearl Blonde, 10.11 Platinum Intense Ash Blonde, 10.12 Platinum Ash Iridescent Blonde, 10.21 Platinum Iridescent Ash Blonde, 10.72 Platinum Brown Iridescent Blonde, 12.43 Special Blonde Copper Golden, 912 Glacial Blonde

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